Elaine Barton,
Returned to eternal bliss in a very sacred and conscious manner.
Mother was in a light comatose sleep and the attending physician had just given her an exam and assured those present that Elaine was strong. Her berating was steady and she was not exhibiting eminent signs of passing over very soon The doctor went on to say that it was her learned opinion that mom could remain in her present state for another 36 to 72 hours and possibly even longer.
Just after her physician left the room I approached mom; lifter her limp her hand and spoke with her. A flinch of her eyes led me to believe that she knew I was with her. And my intuitive body felt mom's trepidation relax into a sense of peace and security at knowing loved ones were with her.
With as much conviction and strength in my voice that I could muster I asked mother to work with me as together we would release her soul from her body through her Crown Chakara or universal spiritual center.
Then placing my left palm on the top of mom's head (over her Crown Chakara) and my right palm over her heart I began to energetically pull with the ethereal energy in my left palm center and push into her heart center with my right. While simultaneously encouraging mother to use the boost of my additional energy to exit her body through her Crown Chakara.
Mother took three last three breaths with me before I felt her body release her spirit in a farewell shudder then drift into eternal blissful slumber.
From her most weakened and vulnerable physical state she summoned the will and personal power to gift us all with what I believe is the greatest gift of her lifetime.
In the space of three shallow breaths mother consciously left her body; in an act known as Mahasamadhi or conscious and volitional 'self-liberation'. Mahasamadhi can only be executed by those living in higher states of consciousness and is often associated with divine-masters, sages, and saints.
By this single act Mother validated for me and for us all the immortality and consciousness of the our eternal soul and the reality of eternal bliss. No mother in the history of the world has ever given a greater gift to her children and family.
Mother, having thus departed I know we will be rejoined.